How A Dermatologist Can Help Manage Your Acne

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Acne is one of the most common skin problems across the world, with millions suffering from varying degrees of the condition. For those with more severe cases, it can seem like nothing you try from your pharmacy works, and often it can be downright depressing when each new fad cream fails. However, not all hope is lost if you have not been to a dermatology clinic. This is where you will get professional, personalized service that treats your level of acne.…

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Why DIY Mole Removal Is A Very Bad Idea

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These days, people are taking DIY approaches more and more often. With YouTube and other video resources, it’s easy to learn how to paint your own home, repair a fence, or sew your own scarf. One thing that you should not DIY, however, is a mole removal procedure. Ignore those DIY guides and the DIY mole removal kits you may see advertised on certain websites. Removing a mole yourself is a very bad idea for the following reasons.…

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Have Skin Cancer? How Your Dermatologist May Recommend To Treat It

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Finding out that you have skin cancer can feel like a nightmare, but it is one of the most treatable forms of cancer out there. Depending on the stage that you are in, your doctor may recommend one of the treatments listed in this article.  Excision Surgery In some instances, if you have a cancerous mole that is in the early stages of skin cancer and it hasn’t spread, your doctor may be able to simply numb the mole and the skin around it and then gently scrape it off with a small razor blade and then the skin will be stitched up.…

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